Our Mission
Mission is to emerge as India’s largest and model care giver of cows by protecting and nurturing, study of different breeds and their behaviours, carrying out all related activities like study and development of farm land, feeds and products using modern scientific tools, in service of mankind.

Our Vision
- With 285 acres of land and available capital fund, expansion activities have started for adding new cow shelters, land levelling, laying internal roads, tree plantation, additional storage for fodder and other stores, additional computers and support systems, and construction of boundary walls.
- With donations coming in, expansion process will accelerate to enhance shelter capacity from 1851 to 10,000 cows in the first stage, increasing the shelters from the present count of 16 to 80 in short term.
- Side by side, public services, revenue generation activities for self-reliance, protection of land from encroachment.

Our History
A great Institution takes birth:
Great institutions are born out of great ideas. Ideas driven by noble intentions followed by focused action build lasting organisations. That was the story of Srikrishna Goseva Mandal. History will not be complete without mentioning three names as below.
In 1950, a far sighted philanthropist Sri Sriram Gupta (founder), 1898-1935, revealed his avid love of cows by gathering street cows and caring them in a shed on his own farm land in Narsingi village where the present establishment stands.

Core Values
- Serve the community and nature through cow are and nature care.
- Create an eco-system of harmony and accommodation with the local community by providing easy access to products and services of the Mandal.
- Observe canons of financial propriety in expenditure, income, donations to maintain transparency and accountability.
- Respect and cooperate with regulations and regulatory authorities, like auditor and the Registrar of Societies abiding with legal provisions.
- Bring operational efficiency by cutting down costs, reducing wastages of any kind and by judicious utilization of assets/resources.
- Open and operate bank accounts applicable to NGOs.
Our Progress
Expand goshala services in social, cultural, recreational, scientific, health and wellbeing and religious rituals by doing all or any of the above. Website and technology upgradation is only the beginning. Build internal capability to absorb technology at all levels of goshala and bring competence and balanced organization to deliver results.
Land is in hand, intentions are loud and noble, trustees and volunteers are committed, and expansion blueprint is ready. Only the shortage of fund holding up the growth. Donations will accelerate growth and turn these dreams into reality.

Mission is to emerge as India’s largest and model care giver of cows by protecting and nurturing, study of different breeds and thLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in vo